Africa: With AfriAlliance, ITC to build triple-sensor water and climate monitoring/forecasting app

AfriAlliance kickoffA network of African-European water-related organizations initiated the AfriAlliance to prepare Africa for future climate change challenges by having African and European stakeholders work together in the areas of water innovation, research, policy, and capacity development. The ambitious five year project officially started with the kick-off meeting hosted by UNESCO-IHE in Delft on 2 and 3 March.

Within the AfriAlliance project, the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente (ITC) will have the lead in building a Monitoring and Forecasting Information Web Service on Water Resources and Climate challenges across Africa. This service will use an innovative triple sensor approach, bringing together metadata and up-to-date information on satellite observations, in-situ surface monitoring networks and citizen-based water observations in an geospatially interactive and accessible manner. It will support policy makers and executive staff on the work floor in decision making processes at all levels.

AfriAlliance will support the existing networks in identifying appropriate social innovation and technological solutions for key water and climate change challenges. The project is financed by the European Commission under its Horizon 2020 programme.


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